英汉互译方法与技巧(北京服装学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Week 3 Translation in Progress (2) 2-3单元小测

1、 She and her mother
are as like as two peas. 划线部分可译为:

答案: 一模一样

2、 Adam Smith’s
theories have influenced international trade over the past 200 odd years. 此句中“odd”的意思为:

答案: 多的,剩余的

3、 How do we account
for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart? 划线部分可译为:

答案: 理智与情感

4、 顺利度过奥德赛岁月的人是那些不急于实现目标的人,但这些人知道他们必须要保持实力、能力和信心去度过这一段较长的岁月。此句中的“度过”一词的最佳译文为:

答案: endure

5、  I was, and remain grateful for the part he
played in my success. 以下四个选项中最佳译文为:

答案: 他对我的 成功起到了重要作用,对此我过去很感激,现在仍然很感激。

6、  In addition to food shortages, rapid
population growth will increase the pollution of the environment. 以下四个选项中最佳译文为:

答案: 随着人口的迅猛增长,食物会出现短缺,环境污染也会更加严重。

7、  Can you answer a question which I want to ask
and which is puzzling me?—-我有个问题弄不懂,想请教你,你能回答一下吗?此译文采用的翻译方法是:

答案: 分译(原文一句译为译文中的两个或两个以上的句子或分句)

8、 In the morning, the new sun sparkled gold
across the ripples of the gentle sea. —-清晨,初升的太阳照着平静的海面,微波荡漾,闪耀着金色的光芒。此译文采用的翻译方法是:

答案: 分译(原文一句译为译文中的两个或两个以上的句子或分句)

9、 世界人民相互支持,对抗新冠肺炎。正确译文为: 

答案: The people of the world support each other to struggle against COVID-19.

10、 你觉得这部新片怎么样?正确译文为:

答案: How did you like the film?

11、 没有他的帮助,我早就失败了。正确译文为:

答案: Without his help, I would have failed.

12、 Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift
avarice. (C)

答案: 过度的勇气变为蛮勇,过度的爱变为溺爱,过度的节俭变为贪婪。

13、 It was a cold winter day. 正确译文为:

答案: 这是一个寒冷的冬日。

14、 The Smiths have a Cute girl,and she is the apple of their eye.划线部分可译为:

答案: 掌上明珠

15、  —-The final exams are coming soon. —-Yes, I have ants in my pants. 划线部分可译为:

答案: 我很焦虑

作业Week 3 Translation in Progress (2) Deciding on the Word Meaning

1、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.She tried to right her husband from the charge of bribery.
评分规则:  The translation of the word “right” should be correct.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:她试图为被控受贿的丈夫辨白。

2、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the words in red.The most unrealistic thing about romantic fiction is that the heroine always marries Mr. Right.
评分规则:  The translation of “Mr. Right” should be correct.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:浪漫小说最不现实的一点就是,女主人公总是嫁给如意郎君。

3、 Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the words in red.习近平主席高度评价拉贝先生,认为他“对生命有大爱、对和平有追求”。
评分规则:  The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, spoke highly of Mr. Rabe, saying that he “demonstrated great compassion for life and love of peace”.

作业Week 3 Translation in Progress (2) Looking for Appropriate Expression

1、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.We had barely sat down before we heard guns firing outside.
评分规则:  The word “before” is understood correctly. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:我们刚坐下,就听见外面的枪声。

2、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.The boy fell down from the ladder before he knew it.
评分规则:  The word “before” is understood correctly. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:那个男孩还没反应过来,就从梯子上摔了下来。

3、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.I’ll do it now before I forget.
评分规则:  The word “before” is understood correctly. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:我现在就做,免得忘了。

作业Week 5 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (2) Making Conversions

1、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.The judge sat in his dining room amid his morning mail.
评分规则:  The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:法官坐在餐厅里,身边堆满了早晨的邮件。

2、 Please translate the English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.At last, he whispered a hurried good bye to his host and darted toward the door.
评分规则:  The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:最后,他匆匆对主人说了句再见,飞快地朝门口冲去。

3、 Please translate the English sentence into Chiense. Pay attention to the word in red.他将自己创造性的画法和一些著名画家的画技融为一体。
评分规则:  The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:He integrated his own creativity with the painting techniques of some famous artists.

4、 Please translate the Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the word in red.He could not see the green of the shore now but only the tops of the blue hills that showed white as though they were snow-capped.
评分规则:  The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:现在,他已经看不见绿色的海岸,只能看见蓝色的山丘,山顶是白色的,仿佛覆盖着白雪。

Week 5 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (2) 4-5单元小测

1、 对“throw away everything when fleeing, especially used to describe the awkward appearance when one is defeated in a battle” 最贴切的汉语成语表达是______。

答案: 丢盔卸甲

2、 对“巾帼须眉” 最不贴切的英语表达是______。

答案: an ugly woman

3、 The on-looker sees most of the game. 对此句的最佳译文为:____。

答案: 旁观者清

4、 Killing two birds with one stone. 对此句话的翻译不正确的是:____。

答案: 一心二用

5、 “丽萨很难适应新环境”的最贴切的译文是_____. 

答案:  Lisa has difficulty adapting to new surroundings.

6、 “他承认他有酒瘾”最贴切的译文是_____.

答案: He admitted he was addicted to drinking.

7、 He left but two hours ago. 句中“but”应翻译为:

答案: 仅仅

8、 It was not until bedtime that the boy remembered to do his homework.最贴切的译文为:

答案: 直到睡觉时,这个小孩才想起去做作业。

9、 下列译文采用了哪种翻译手段?By the end of the war more than 2000 people had been saved by the organization.翻译到战争结束时,这个组织拯救了两千多人的生命。

答案: 语态转换 

10、 下列译文采用了哪种翻译手段?This is the best solution imaginable.翻译这是能想到的最好的解决办法。

答案: 调整语序法

11、 下列译文选择哪个用词最合适?他昨天就应该上交论文。这是他原本必须做的事。翻译He ought to have handed in the paper yesterday. That’s what he__.

答案: should have done 

12、 下列译文选择哪个用词最合适?他们的谈话太有意思了,我们都逗得大笑。Their dialogue was so funny that we all _laughter.

答案: broke into

13、 “坚持全国一盘棋”的英文译文为:ensure a __, _ response.

答案: coordinated, national

14、 武汉“解封”的合适译文为:

答案: to lift the lockdown in Wuhan

15、 “防止疫情跨境传播”的正确译文为:

答案: prevent the epidemic from spreading across borders

作业Week 4 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (1) Analyzing Grammar and Logic

1、 Analyze the grammar and/or logic of the following sentence and translate it into Chinese.Just as the haunted bedrooms are avoided for sleeping, the living room is avoided for conversation, being so huge that all talk evaporates into the air before it reaches the listener.
评分规则:  The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:家里人 [或译为“人们”、“我们”、“他们”] 不在闹鬼的卧室睡觉,也不在起居室里谈话,因为起居室太大,不管什么话,还没等对方听见,就挥发进空气里去了。

2、 Analyze the grammar and logic of the following sentence and tralsate it into Chinese:The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is here to serve you by providing benefits, compensation and return-to-work services as a result of a work-related injury or illness.
评分规则:  The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:职业安全保险局对因工作受伤或患病的工人提供福利、赔偿和重返工作服务。

作业Week 5 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (2) Adding or Omitting Words, Phrases and Claus

1、 Please translate the Chinese sentence into English.我在公园看见了迎春花,知道春天快要到了。
评分规则:  The technique of addition is used in translation.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:I knew spring was coming as I had seen some winter jasmines in the park.

2、 Please translate the English sentence into Chinese.They provide everything for themselves. They make their own electricity, they pump their own water, they cut the forest logs to build their cabins.
评分规则:  The technique of omission is used in translation.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:他们过着自给自足的生活—自己发电,自己用泵抽水,自己伐木造屋。

3、 Please translate the Chinese sentence into English.幸福家庭也有幸福家庭的烦恼。
评分规则:  The technique of omission is used in translation.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:Happy families also have their own troubles.

作业Week 4 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (1) Identify and Translate Specialized Vocabula

1、 Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary in the sentences.This coat blends casual and formal looks, which is of a very popupar fashion style at present.
评分规则:  Specialized vocabulary is identified and translated correctly and appropriately.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:这件外套将休闲装与正装的款式相融合,是当下很流行的时装样式。

2、 Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary.The boys and girls go to the dance in elegant attire, and dance away the evening to the music of a live band.
评分规则:  The specialized vocabulary is identified and translated correctly and appropriately.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:男孩们和女孩们都身着盛装去参加舞会,随着乐队的现场伴奏翩翩起舞,度过一个美好的夜晚。

3、 Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary in the sentence.齐白石不仅作画还专心致力于作诗、书法、刻章。
评分规则:  The specialized vocabulary is identified and translated correctly and appropriately.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:Qi Baishi devoted himself to poetry, calligraphy, seal carving as well as painting.

Week 6 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (3) 第6单元小测

1、 Fred will never ask Mary for a date, he is a chicken. 此句话中,“Chicken”表示的意思为_。 

答案: 一个胆小鬼

2、 以下哪个短语可以代替 “I am on the fence about hot yoga classes.”这句话中的 “on the fence about”?

答案: unsure about 

3、 对于“People, it seems, have evolved to be addicted to exercise. ”此句英文的汉语翻译版本,那句话更贴切?

答案: 人们似乎越来越沉迷于锻炼了。

4、 对于“地球是月亮的49倍大。”这句话,以下翻译文本中,哪个是错误的?

答案: The earth is forty-nine times bigger than the moon.

5、 在英语中 “feature”一词有多个含义,请问,以下语境中,feature含义为何?We find the mother featured in the son. 

答案: [方言]看起来像,与……容貌相似

6、 The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing. 对此句的翻译,以下哪个文本更贴切?

答案: 对大多数游览北京的外国游客来说,长城是必不可少的参观项目。

7、 活到老,学到老—-One is never too old to learn. 这个汉译英的翻译文本中使用了增词法的翻译技巧,增添了人称代词。 

答案: True   





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